Wes Bos
Stephanie Nemeth
@stephaniecodesStephanie is a developer living in Amsterdam. She works on frontend stuff at Werkspot and co-organizes the Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam. She enjoys experimenting with hardware and LEDs to make beautiful, useless things.

Lyza Danger Gardner
@lyzadangerLyza likes figuring out how to do things. In turn, she likes to teach others how to do new things, too. Writer for O’Reilly, A List Apart, Smashing Magazine, NET Magazine and co-founder of Cloud Four, Lyza advocates for elegant standards, education and compassion in pursuit of the best possible future Web. Building on over 20 years of web experience, Lyza’s current focuses include JavaScript-powered IoT, platform standards stewardship, Web APIs and progressive web applications. Her latest book is JavaScript on Things: A Web Developer’s Introduction to Electronics (Manning).
As a counterpoint to this futuristic vantage, she lives in the forest in Vermont and enjoys anachronistic hobbies. She reads and reads and reads.

Anna Migas
@szynszyliszysAnna works as a Front-end Developer and Designer at Lunar Logic, the no-management software house based in Kraków, Poland. She is always trying to find ways to make people fall in love with coding and has a long history of organizing coding workshops for WebMuses and Rails Girls. In her spare time she is skateboarding, travelling and reading sci-fi and fantasy books.

Laura Carvajal
@lc512kLaura Carvajal is a senior developer at the Financial Times building FT.com. Laura has been working in web development for the past 15 years.

Ramón Guijarro
@soyguijarroRamón is a creative web developer with an interest in design, communication and data. He's a JavaScript and React enthusiast who likes to share the little he knows as much as he can. He also likes to find out about unexpected uses for the web. Making up silly personal needs in order to solve them with equally silly code projects is another of his questionable virtues.

Gavin Elliot
@gavinelliottGavin Elliott is the Head of Interaction Design for the UK Government Department for Work and Pensions. He was the organiser of Industry, The Practical Web Conference for four years. A seasoned conference organiser, compere and speaker Gavin now spends his time speaking about topics which are close to his heart.
Find him on Twitter @gavinelliott or at any of the following: